Do you want to know where to start if you’re new to the band? Or do you want songs to introduce metal fans to? Well here’s a short list of three of August Burns Red’s best work!

Starting with “Provision” which was the opener for 2013’s Rescue & Restore album. The song is all about a man who’s been taken advantage of and yet still fights for some silver lining in the situation. The song was penned atop a mountain in Germany right before a show. And this song relates to Greiner’s problems with a financial scandal in 2012 and how he looked to God for some positive.

Next check out “The Frost” which was featured in Phantom Anthem. The song features a chorus and some wicked basslines and is an excellent example of the band’s musicianship. In an interview, Guitarist Brent Rambler revealed that the song and the others on the album was credited to the consistency of the band’s lineup.

Finally, check out “Ghost” which was featured in 2015’s Found in Far Away Places” album. The song features Jeremy McKinnon of A Day to Remember on the clean vocals. This song discusses homelessness in its video which Brent Rambler feels is a subject society has to face and deal with.